A black and white striped Downy Woodpecker sits on a branch. Its small, sharp beak faces into the wind.

Sailing into the Wind

We put a new mix of seed in the bird feeder this week. It has more corn and peanuts in it than the last batch. This morning seeds are scattered on the ground beneath the feeder. Here’s a chipmunk stuffing his cheek pouches with it. He runs away toward his burrow, then comes back empty-cheeked […]

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Fat songbird, dark above, light below. Dark-eyed junco with round black eye stands in a patch of grass

Wintering in Iowa: Dark-Eyed Junco

She’s lying in my hand, still, but whole. A beautiful little creature, expired for no obvious reason. Her wings are folded; her feathers are exquisitely soft. Her half-ounce weighs nothing in my palm. Her little round, acorn-size head with its cone-shaped beak lies against my finger.  Her legs are like little twigs, thin and bare. […]

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Light-bellied songbird hangs head down, eyeyng a nearby bird feeder

A Tidy Housekeeper

Throughout the year, I’ve heard a distinctive bird call that sounds like a loud, nasal “yank” repeated several times in a row. This tells me that at least one pair of white-breasted nuthatches (Sitta carolinensis) live on Owl Acres year-round. They have mated for life, and have established a territory in the woods. We’ll hear […]

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Profile view of a wild turkey in full flight. Pinion feathers, about 25 on each wing, are marked with alternating white and brown bands Neck and head are stretched straight ahead and tail is fanned flat behind.

Turkey Day

One day while we were driving along a county road, a wild turkey shot out of the ditch just in time to collide with the mirror on the car. Needless to say, that was the turkey’s last flight. Instantly, it seemed, a buzzard dropped out of the sky to claim his thanksgiving dinner. Nature’s efficiency […]

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A flock of dozens of black, robin-size birds in flight against a blue autumn sky

A Plague of Visitors

It’s a sunny day in late October. There’s no breeze to speak of, and most of the leaves have fallen from the trees. A flock of several hundred black birds have landed in the trees in the woods on Owl Acres, and are chattering in a cacophony of sounds. They’re working on the bare twigs, […]

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White-throated sparrow

O Sweet Canada

White-throated Sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis) It was an unusually cold, wet spring last May when the white-throated sparrows sailed through on their way to the Canadian woods. The clear whistled song calling “O sweet Canada Canada Canada” if you’re Canadian, or “Sam Peabody Peabody Peabody” if you’re not, rang through the trees, announcing their visit. They […]

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An iridescent green hummingbird flies away from the hummingbird feeder. The feeder looks like an upside down red medicine bottle with five little red flowers around the base.

Tiny Warriors

We are having a party, barbecuing in the yard, using the open garage as a staging area for the food and utensils. Suddenly something whizzes past into the garage, startling Bryan, a giant insect? No, it’s a hummingbird come to inspect the bright red handle on the rope that allows you to raise and lower […]

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Barred owl sitting on a tree branch at the edge of the woods on Owl Acres. The bird is looking directly at the viewer.

Who Cooks for You?

The barred owl is one of my favorites. I love to hear its easily recognizable call and its mate’s response. This year we’ve had at least one pair calling in the afternoons and evenings. They call and respond, and once in a while they have a more heated conversation and even a bit of squawking. […]

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