Furry critter with pointy nose, round erect ears and a prominent, black bandit’s mask looks at the camera. Ringtail Raccoon.

Masked Bandit: Raccoon

Raccoons have captured the fancy of cartoonists, authors, movie makers, comic strip artists, and even video game creators for decades. Rocky Raccoon, for instance, began his cartoon career in 1937, and has outlasted several generations of children and voice actors. Before Rocky hit the big screen, native Americans had created a plethora of tales with […]

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Red brown Fox Squirrel with bushy tail sits in the snow, with a walnut in its mouth

Scurry: Eastern Fox Squirrel

Dave, the resident lab, and I are out for the usual reason in the yard behind the house. Dave is totally focused on a nearby tree, and I know why. A fox squirrel is sitting in its branches chattering away, scolding us for entering its world. It’s very noisy, and Dave stands, on point, entranced. […]

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Grey opossum with coarse hair, whitish, tapering face sporting a pronounced "widows peak," black eyes and pink nose looks up from a bed of green ivy.

Living Fossils

They’re creepy-looking, really. They have a narrow, whiskery, tapering snout filled with fifty large, pointed teeth, and they drool. They also have a long, naked, scaly tail. People see that pointy face and naked tail and think rat. They’re not rats, though. They are opossums (Didelphis virginiana). Sometimes called “living fossils,” their history traces directly […]

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Brown furry mouse with black eyes, white underside and long, coarse whiskers.

Little Troublemakers

Mice! Not my favorite inhabitants of Owl Acres. They have been scampering about all summer, avoiding the owls, raising their broods. And now they’re looking for a warm place to move into for the winter. They can get in just about everywhere, and can chew through wires when they want to. Several times I have […]

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The view from the kitchen: 3 white-tailed deer grazing in the front yard

Wildlife Management?

White-Tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) He stands beside the highway, uncomprehending, as predators flash past at unbelievable speeds. The predators’ eyes are huge and brilliant, shining into the crepuscular darkness, confusing him. 50, 60, 70 miles an hour—a meaningless datum. He has evolved over ten thousand years or more to run and leap, to avoid or […]

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Chipmunk sitting upright near a nut cracker, stuffing its cheek pouches with nut meats

Cheeky Little Critters

Eastern Chipmunks Tamias Striatus We have a bumper crop of black walnuts, and Bryan has cleaned the hulls off two five-gallon buckets full. The shells are very hard, so I crack them on the front porch with a specially made walnut cracker. It works pretty well, but it flings bits of shell and nutmeat all […]

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Fulvous coyote crossing a curving road

The Trickster

Coyotes The neighbor’s dog begins barking and howling. What’s up with that? And then we hear it—a jumble of high-pitched yips, barks, cries, snarls. And it sounds fairly close by. Clearly it’s not a pack of dogs. It’s not raccoons fighting. It sounds like coyotes making a kill. Or fighting among themselves. Or whatever coyotes […]

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