The morning after an ice storm on Owl Acres. The trees are coated in glass, turned crystal by the rising sun. A ghost image of the barn is visible through the tangle of defoliated trees in the foreground.

It’s About Layers: Ice Storm

The world is covered in ice. Ice on the porch; ice on the railing; ice on the sidewalk; ice on the power lines. Ice-covered branches tick against each other, filling the soundscape with confetti. The wind chimes, usually authoritative in their announcement of wind from the southeast, are coated with ice. Instead of their bright, […]

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The dogs are loving First Snow. Golden Retriever Clancy and Yellow Labrador Retriever (and Seeing Eye Guide) Dave stand opposite each other mugging the camera, in a white snowscape. Woods, the propane tank and the enclosure fence populate the background.

First Snow

The wind is blowing at 30 miles an hour, and snow is flying sideways past my study window. The birds on the bird feeder are facing into the wind, and the dogs are joyously cavorting in the snow. The temperature is around 32 degrees. The snow is wet and sticky, plastered to the vertical surfaces […]

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Snowflake with six strong, hexagon-based arms. It’s suspended in mid-air, caught on the gossamer strand of a barely visible spider web.

Art in Motion: Snowflakes

Snowflakes arrived on Owl Acres to welcome winter on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. They piled up to about three inches of fluffy white snow. Each one of those trillions of snowflakes was a unique work of art. In spite of the fact that they all formed in the same cloud, at the same time and […]

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Hard to take a picture of something made out of air (like a heat dome), so here’s one of an airborne activity happening at Owl Acres on a hot summer morning. A large quad drone is being used for aerial chemical application to the adjacent cornfield. The aircraft flies a pattern over the field, controlled by a computer and guided by GPS. It’s applying a broadleaf herbicide that kills every plant in the field that’s not corn, and a broad-spectrum (pyrethrin) insecticide that kills every insect it touches.

Too Darn Hot: Heat Dome

For several days this summer, the temperatures climbed into the high nineties during the day and stayed in the high seventies at night. Days like that are the worst of the summer days. The humidity is so high that when I walk out of my air conditioning into the heat, the air feels alive as […]

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Grey branches of a Siberian Elm, covered with brilliant white hoarfrost, against a pure blue winter sky

Winter Words

On a January night, the air is still. The overnight temps hold in the teens and twenties, and the humidity is close to 100%. The conditions are perfect for one of Owl Acres’ beautiful winter creations–hoar frost. The word “hoar” is archaic but means “grayish white; gray or gray-haired.” It’s like wisps of fog frozen […]

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