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A black and white striped Downy Woodpecker sits on a branch. Its small, sharp beak faces into the wind.

Sailing into the Wind

We put a new mix of seed in the bird feeder this week. It has more corn and peanuts in it than the last batch. This morning seeds are scattered on the ground beneath the feeder. Here’s a chipmunk stuffing his cheek pouches with it. He runs away toward his burrow, then comes back empty-cheeked […]

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1919 magazine advertisement from Woman’s Home Companion for Yeast Foam and Magic Yeast for making bread. Features a small boy in a sailor’s pinafore, delighted with his slice of homemade bread.


As we survey the life on Owl Acres, we have been thinking about the big things. We owe a lot, though,  to those tiny one-celled organisms that are everywhere. Yeast for instance. Yeast cells are so small that you need a microscope to see them. And yet, each individual cell is a living, active member […]

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Red brown Fox Squirrel with bushy tail sits in the snow, with a walnut in its mouth

Scurry: Eastern Fox Squirrel

Dave, the resident lab, and I are out for the usual reason in the yard behind the house. Dave is totally focused on a nearby tree, and I know why. A fox squirrel is sitting in its branches chattering away, scolding us for entering its world. It’s very noisy, and Dave stands, on point, entranced. […]

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Fat songbird, dark above, light below. Dark-eyed junco with round black eye stands in a patch of grass

Wintering in Iowa: Dark-Eyed Junco

She’s lying in my hand, still, but whole. A beautiful little creature, expired for no obvious reason. Her wings are folded; her feathers are exquisitely soft. Her half-ounce weighs nothing in my palm. Her little round, acorn-size head with its cone-shaped beak lies against my finger.  Her legs are like little twigs, thin and bare. […]

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