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Karen stands with her new Seeing Eye dog on a platform in front of a gleaming Amtrak coach

Introducing Dave

Dave moved in last February. He doesn’t know this, but he is a dog. A big very light-colored yellow lab with long floppy ears, a nose that brings him the world, and a heart as big as Texas. He thinks he is a little puppy and likes nothing better than to climb into my lap, […]

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White, brain-shaped mushroom in a meadow. Giant puffball is about the size of a soccer ball.

Fungus and Fairies

The other day while we were tramping about near the creek, we came upon a colony of cantaloupe-sized giant puffballs growing in the grass. They were past eating, but reminded us of an episode a few years ago while we were living in a big apartment building. One autumn day, Bryan found a puffball as […]

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Black spider with short legs and a white spot on its abdomen sits on a wood picnic table in the sunshine

Audacious Hunter

There’s an amazing, sophisticated, and unwelcome creature who has made its way into the house. It’s not very big—only about half an inch long. It’s sitting on the kitchen counter. It’s looking around with its astonishing set of optical tools, contemplating its universe. Without warning, a giant dome comes from nowhere and traps the creature. […]

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Light-bellied songbird hangs head down, eyeyng a nearby bird feeder

A Tidy Housekeeper

Throughout the year, I’ve heard a distinctive bird call that sounds like a loud, nasal “yank” repeated several times in a row. This tells me that at least one pair of white-breasted nuthatches (Sitta carolinensis) live on Owl Acres year-round. They have mated for life, and have established a territory in the woods. We’ll hear […]

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Profile view of a wild turkey in full flight. Pinion feathers, about 25 on each wing, are marked with alternating white and brown bands Neck and head are stretched straight ahead and tail is fanned flat behind.

Turkey Day

One day while we were driving along a county road, a wild turkey shot out of the ditch just in time to collide with the mirror on the car. Needless to say, that was the turkey’s last flight. Instantly, it seemed, a buzzard dropped out of the sky to claim his thanksgiving dinner. Nature’s efficiency […]

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Grey opossum with coarse hair, whitish, tapering face sporting a pronounced "widows peak," black eyes and pink nose looks up from a bed of green ivy.

Living Fossils

They’re creepy-looking, really. They have a narrow, whiskery, tapering snout filled with fifty large, pointed teeth, and they drool. They also have a long, naked, scaly tail. People see that pointy face and naked tail and think rat. They’re not rats, though. They are opossums (Didelphis virginiana). Sometimes called “living fossils,” their history traces directly […]

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Brown furry mouse with black eyes, white underside and long, coarse whiskers.

Little Troublemakers

Mice! Not my favorite inhabitants of Owl Acres. They have been scampering about all summer, avoiding the owls, raising their broods. And now they’re looking for a warm place to move into for the winter. They can get in just about everywhere, and can chew through wires when they want to. Several times I have […]

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Fuzzy caterpillar looks like a bottle brush. Three equal length color bands, black at front and rear, brown in the middle

The Weather Forecast

On a bright Indian summer day, we took our tandem bicycle to a nearby rail trail for a 20-mile bike ride. The trees had begun to turn, and the combines were out in the fields harvesting the corn. Along the trail we saw squirrels on personal business, a snake basking in the sun, a confused […]

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