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Grove of walnut trees; red farm shed; blue sky; green grass

The King of Nuts

Black Walnuts Fall has arrived on this early October day. Standing in the yard I hear several walnuts tumbling through the branches and plopping softly in the duff of fallen leaves and grass beneath the tree. As I walk through the yard, they squish and squirm beneath my feet. Owl Acres is studded with black […]

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A pair of common tree crickets in their mating positions.

September Night Song

Broad-Winged Tree Crickets It’s 10:00 on a late summer evening. Dave and I are out for the final walk of the day. The soundscape is complex and varied, with individual crickets here and there and a background of buzzes and whirs of katydids. The cicadas have gone to bed, but one other sound dominates the […]

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Large dragonfly with 4 clear wings and bright blue green abdomen resting on a vertical twig. Large oval shape head 90% covered by compound eyes.

Hunters’ Ballet

One Sunday in late August, an amazing ballet grabbed our attention. In the front yard a swarm of dragonflies whizzed around, filling the air from three to 50 feet above the ground. Outlined against the bright afternoon sky, we watched them hunting, each dragonfly pursuing its own quarry. What were they hunting? Closer inspection revealed […]

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An iridescent green hummingbird flies away from the hummingbird feeder. The feeder looks like an upside down red medicine bottle with five little red flowers around the base.

Tiny Warriors

We are having a party, barbecuing in the yard, using the open garage as a staging area for the food and utensils. Suddenly something whizzes past into the garage, startling Bryan, a giant insect? No, it’s a hummingbird come to inspect the bright red handle on the rope that allows you to raise and lower […]

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Barred owl sitting on a tree branch at the edge of the woods on Owl Acres. The bird is looking directly at the viewer.

Who Cooks for You?

The barred owl is one of my favorites. I love to hear its easily recognizable call and its mate’s response. This year we’ve had at least one pair calling in the afternoons and evenings. They call and respond, and once in a while they have a more heated conversation and even a bit of squawking. […]

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KK and Dave exploring leaves and flowers of amur honeysuckle at dawn

Not My Mother’s Honeysuckle

When I was growing up, my mother maintained a little garden in a sheltered spot on the north side of the house. She said the former resident used to dump their ashes there, which made it very fertile now. At any rate, she planted some flowers there, including two varieties I thought were magical. One […]

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Image of a tree stump that is carved into an owl with a dark red wooden shed in the background.

Owl Acres

Owl Acres is a small patch of rural Iowa with woods, a yard, an open meadow, and a house where I live with my partner Bryan and my dog Dave. At evening and into the night, a pair of barred owls often calls through the trees, wooing and courting, discussing domestic issues, or arguing about […]

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Karen, a white woman with copper hair and a pink shirt, inspects a mulberry tree with pink berries and bright green leaves.


About me: Hi. Welcome to Heartland Safari. My name is Karen Keninger. I’m writing this blog for fun and tofulfill a promise to myself (See About Owl Acres). Here are a few bits about me: Interests: reading, writing, public speaking, traveling, tandem biking, playing bluegrass guitar Family: lots of them Pets: None at the moment. […]

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